Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Finally getting to the character design!

After those paintings it's nice to get to the more simple subjects in my class. CHARACTER DESIGN!
The first thing we need to do are sketches. I got a little carried away....just a little.....okay......maybe a whole lot.
I can't wait till I can do the final line art. Then I can make them all shiny. So shiny!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Background and Character design homework 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

I will delete and explain later about these once the finalized version is created.

For now, my characters will be going through an icy, barren environment where a fallen city lies forever in its frozen resting place.

Also, caterpalettes. 
My color palettes are called Caterpalettes. They are beautiful creatures which dwell in the most abnormal places, and make the most abnormal faces.

That is all.



I call it, "Corpse City".

Long ago there was once a great civilization whom cherished their technology like a new born child.
They built their buildings from a special metal which could withstand high temperatures.
Due to political corruption, shifting global currents, the depletion of fuel sources, and constant pollution the city was left to succumb to the elements. The great alien buildings began to crumble and freeze into place as the harsh tundras took hold of the land. Although the metal could withstand high temperatures no one ever imagined that the extreme cold could persuade the molecular structures to break apart so easily, causing the bend, snap, and distortions of the buildings that are now seen in the present day.
For nothing was left, but the husk of this Corpse City...

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Background and character design homework

I had to create 10 thumbnails for my class. Two of the thumbnails will be rendered out, and finalized for a short animate.

(I don't really have much to say. I'm just posting this here so I can use the link for my homework.)